Configure your Django Application to Use a Postgres Database

<aside> 🔥 You will need to do this for both the dev environment (we'll use a local Postgres database for that) and for the production environment, on Heroku.


To use Postgres in your dev environment, follow these instructions:

Using Postgres Locally

Create a new app on Heroku

First, create an account on Heroku. It's free and should not require you to enter a credit card.

Then, install the Heroku command line utility (CLI) by following the instructions at

Creating the app

You can do this from Heroku's UI or using the Heroku command line utility (heroku create). To use the Heroku dashboard to create your app, go here: Then click on the button to create a new app (not a pipeline).

Log in to the Heroku CLI

You need to have the Heroku CLI installed to do this step.

To log in to Heroku from the command line run:

heroku login

Follow the steps from there.